Pumpkin Ginger Tart


Posted by Ashley | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on 21-11-2011

With the holiday that is based around a huge meal here in America… Maybe you need a little recpie for desert…


Pumpkin Ginger Tart

You will need :
Ginger snaps, and snickerdoodles

4 oz of butter

1 1/2 cup of pumpkin

3/4 cup of condensed milk

2 egg yolks


Take and crush the cookies and add the butter to make a crust… pat it into a tart pan, and bake for 10 minutes at 350…

while baking that mix the pumpkin, milk, and egg yolks

remvoe crust and add the pumokin mixture

bake the whole tart fro 30 more minutes, until the pumpkin is firm

How easy is that :)