Our First Official Week of the 2013 Season


Posted by Ashley | Posted in Produce | Posted on 09-07-2013

We spent the afternoon in the gardens despite the rain we were able to get some picking done… We picked fresh snap peas… I ate almost as many as went into my basket… these guys are so delicious fresh off the vine…

Examined the summer squash, The yellow squash has so so so many blooms on it… as long as the weather, and the animals stay away we will all be eating plenty of summer squash.. zucchini included… Get those cooking ideas ready…

The kohlrabi is at its peek for the first round that we planted, round two should be ready next week

The cabbage is looking amazing, there was some loss to the deer, they have to eat too, but if all goes well we will also have lots of cabbage!!

Check back tomorrow members to see what will be in your bag on Thursday!


many many blooms coming along..
