Fresh Strawberries and Jam


Posted by Ashley | Posted in Tricks of the Trade | Posted on 29-06-2011

It all began with a lovely drive to pick some fresh strawberries……

And then home to wash them……


And then combine them with blueberries and raspberries to begin some triple berry jam….

and then to the stock pot to cook… I can not even describe the amazing scent that these berries gave off as they slowly cooked down in the pot….

All I could think about was getting to eat this as soon as it was finished cooking…. Doesn’t it look like a perfect 4th of July Jam with the Red and Blue….

As it was cooking down I prepared the Jars and lids so that everything was boiling hot and so that they jam would set properly!

And then there it is folk… The Middle Daughter Triple Berry Jam…..

The color is the most beautiful purple red, with bits of blueberries and strawberries and Raspberry seeds in it….

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