Sage Potatoes and Beans


Posted by Ashley | Posted in Herbs, Produce, Recipes | Posted on 05-08-2011


And we have Darryl to thank for today’s Recipe…

These are the steps as stated by him…

First lay out some tin foil, and put some olive oil, salt, and lots of pepper (or a little depending on how much you love pepper, Darryl thinks everything is better with lots of pepper)

Scrub and clean your fresh dug red potatoes and snap the ends of your beans

Lay the veggies on the foil and then crush up some Sage; sprinkle it on top

Dice up a clove of garlic add it on top

Next in a very artful fashion fold up your tinfoil into a little tent

Place the tent on the grill for 15 minutes

Open the tent very carefully there will be lots of stream from the veggies


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